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On-Ice Athlete 


Opportunities for On-Ice Athlete Development

We are pleased to offer multiple opportunities for age and skill appropriate On-Ice Athlete Development. These opportunities come in the form of Group On-Ice Development Sessions and Private and Semi-Private On-Ice Development Sessions.

Current Offerings of Group On-Ice Development Sessions

Skills Development Sessions - 2009 Birth Year Athletes


An age-appropriate on-ice session with a focus on puck control. skating, individual tactics, and goaltending development. Suitable for all 2009 birth year players looking to strengthen and further develop their hockey skills.


April 9 to September 16  - (10 Sessions)


Full equipment, including neckguard must be worn.


$265 + HST


To register email, and put "Skills Development Sessions" in the subject line.

Preseason Camp - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Birth Years Athletes


An age-appropriate on-ice session with a focus on conditioning and getting ready for final tryout camps and your season. Suitable for Midget and Junior-aged players who are looking to gain a competitive edge as they move into the season ahead.


August 6 to August 10 - (5 Sessions)


Full equipment, including neckguard must be worn.


$200 + HST


To register email, and put "Preseason Camp" in the subject line.

Private and Semi-Private On-Ice Development Sessions

By appointment only. Customized to age, skill level, position, and competitive level.


To request an appointment, email, and put "Private On-Ice Development" in the subject line. Client is responsible for booking and paying for ice. Instruction fees below are paid to CHD.




One Athlete - $35/hr + HST




Two Athletes - $60/hr + HST


Three Athletes - $80/hr + HST


Four Athletes - $100/hr + HST


Five Athletes - $110/hr + HST




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